Canacintra’s Take on Presidential Address

NOGALES – The micro, small and medium-sized enterprise, could be severely affected by the health emergency and by what Canacintra (National Chamber of Industry Transformation) considers null support from the federal Government towards industries.   Hipólito Sedano Ruiz, national vice-president of Canacintra North Pacific, said that in the last presidential address, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador did not offer any strategies to support industry projects.

He considered it positive to endorse his commitment to a sector of the population that benefits from his social programs.

Because not  understanding everyone’s economy, it generates insensibility and with no support for the formal productive sectors, it will cause the disappearance and / or weakening of the micro, small and medium-sized companies.

“He needs to adopt a posture of head of state and not a partisan attitude applying economic actions that allow deferral of payments to taxpayers and with that, allows to keep the industry productive,” he said.

Hipólito Sedano Ruiz

#Canacintra #AMLO @CanacintraNog

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