Businesses in Caborca Might Open on May 20

CABORCA, SONORA, US – The City government of Caborca, Mexico, ​​announced a strengthening of measures in the closing of businesses for May 10 to 20, as it was considered the riskiest period in the pandemic of Covid-19.

In a statement, they reported that after a conference with the Security Bureau, it was agreed to increase efforts to inhibit mobility, reinforce communication strategies, and maintain the closure of non-essential businesses.

And, a tentative date for the reopening of business was agreed as May 20.

Local authorities confirmed that there are only four ventilators in Caborca, the city will receive some additional ventilators in no more than ten days.

In compliance with the agreements made at the health table, in the coming days the operations and coordination between the corporations of the three levels of government will increase to ensure that the community meets the measures established by the “Stay at home” mandatory program.

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