Burglar Sentenced to 3 Years and 3 Months in Prison

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – For the crimes of intentional injuries and burglary, 34-year-old David is sentenced to three years and three months in prison, as well as the payment of 34,572 pesos.

According to the Attorney General’s Office in Sonora, the burglar was arrested on June 26 in the Nogales Luis Donaldo Colosio neighborhood.

The official report indicates that the aggressor attempted to kidnap two minors and attacked a woman, Alejandra, but neighbors were able to stop him. The aggressor left only to return armed with a machete and with the full intention of injuring 47-year-old Alejandra.

At that time, paramedics of the Mexican Red Cross were attending the victim Alejandra, but the aggressor was adamant. Paramedics struggled with the man to avoid an assault on the patient.

Paramedics managed to subdue the aggressor at the same time that local police arrived to arrest the smuggler.

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