Authorities Enforce Closure of Maquiladora in Nogales, Son

The Border Reports – April 2, 2020

NOGALES, SONORA, MX.- State authorities along with the National Guard ordered the closing of maquiladora Atronix, located in Parque Industrial San Carlos, at the border town of Nogales, Sonora, Mexico since the product they manufacture is considered “non-essential”.  The closure was enforced Wednesday morning after an inspection by Cofepris, Labor Inspection and Special Board, institutions which then provided the closure notice to Atronix.

The reasons for closure were listed in the letter placed at the front door of  Atronix Integrated Cable Assembly Holdings Inc. 

The National Guard and authorities remained for several minutes until the workers were released and exited the industrial facility.


In the notification provided by the Secretary of Labor, it states that on March 25 the Official Bulletin of the State Government published the actions considered urgent to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Some of the actions were that companies that were considered non-essential activities should close their operation during the contingency timeframe to minimize the risk of infection.  That was the case for Atronix, considered a non-essential company therefore it is expected they should close their operation , otherwise they could pose a risk for the epidemic of Covid-19.

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