Armed Confrontations in Caborca Leave At Least Eleven People Dead

CABORCA, SONORA, MX – The community of Caborca in Sonora endured hours of terror where they witnessed armed confrontations among criminal groups leaving at least eleven people dead.

At the time of this article, there were at least eleven people killed. Local authorities also confirmed property damage to a gas station, a trailer, several houses, and four cars were set on fire.

They also found two cars of type pick-ups equipped with armor and a high-powered Barrett-type rifle.


Confrontations started on Friday afternoon when residents reported to the authorities that there were shootings in Puerto Lobos.

Police officers rushed to the scene finding two armored pick-up, a Barret-type rifle and a person dead.

That night in Caborca, the shootings continued. A trailer was set on fire as well as a gas station and four cars. Property damage was also found in several houses.


On Saturday at kilometer 115 of the Caborca-Sonoyta highway, the bodies of at least ten people were found abandoned on the side of the highway.

Authorities from the three levels of government and the Mexican army are in the area carrying out investigative operations.

Until the time of this article, authorities have not issued an official report about this incidents.

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