Arizona’s Gradual Reopening Continues

PHOENIX, ARIZONA, USA – On Friday, retailers, salons, cosmetologists, and barbers began with the gradual re-opening of stores.

The Arizona State Government issued guidelines and recommendations for the re-opening of these businesses. There are guidelines both for the establishment and the customers.

In the case of clients, the most important recommendation is to stay home if they feel sick.

Use the curbside pickup whenever possible, cover your nose and mouth, and avoid rush hours, especially if you are in the high-risk group.

Also, make sure you disinfect shopping carts and try to use a payment method where you don’t need to touch anything. Remember to avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth and disinfecting your hands when leaving the establishment.

For the establishments, the recommendation is to enforce physical distance, limit areas where people might crowd, implement sanitization protocols, and continue with the option of curbside pickup as well as keep the fitting rooms closed.

Lastly, implement a system to detect symptoms in employees as well as consider the use of face and mouth covers.

Return Stronger Guidance for Retail

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