Arizona Tops the List of Most Covid-19 Cases Per Million

ARIZONA, USA – In a publication by The New York Times, the state of Arizona is listed as the world epicenter of the spread of Covid-19 due to the increased number of cases in the last week.

Arizona tops the list of states and countries with the highest rate of virus spread when comparing per million population.

The state of Arizona leads the list with 3.3 thousand, followed by Florida with 2.7 thousand and then by South Carolina with 2.3 thousand.

The list continues to the Middle East in Bahrain with 2.2 thousand and then returns to the United States in Louisiana with 2,000 moving back to the Middle East in Qatar with 1,800.

According to the Arizona Department of Health Services, the cumulative number of people who have tested positive for Covid-19 amounts to 108,614, while the death toll is 1,963.

This Wednesday 3,520 new infected people were confirmed, as well as 36 deaths.

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