Arizona Family Experiences Terror while Vacationing in Mexico

PUERTO PEÑASCO, SONORA, MX – A US family experiences several minutes of terror when they were approached by an armed group that took their truck, a trailer, three quads (ATVs), and the rest of their belongings.

For over 20 years, the Davis family vacations in Rocky Point, Sonora and they had never experienced something like this.

The incident occurred the night of October 6, they were traveling in their car when several armed individuals approached in a gray sedan and ordered them to stop.

After threatening the driver, Mason Davis, and forcing him to get off of the truck, one of the individuals climbed into the car and tried to flee without even letting his family get off the truck.

Hopefully his wife and two daughters, managed to get out.

Clara, the 13-year-old daughter of Mason and Natalie Davis’s marriage, was on Snapchat when it all happened. She is seen in a video crying, just after her father asked them to get off the car.

“Little Clara, my youngest daughter who is 13 years old, was under some blankets and he (a criminal) was trying to leave,” the father of the family said on a television network.

The Davis family was taken to a Mexican military installation, where they finally had the moment to digest what happened.

The family said they took the truck, which they had just paid for two months ago, as well as the motorcycles and all their belongings, but in the end, these are only material things.

“As sad as it was to see the truck that we just finished paying for the trip full of everything, at least we have our family,” Mason said.

The incident resulted in total loss for the Davis family, since they did not know they needed to purchase Mexican insurance.

Rocky Point

Héctor Vázquez, president of the Conventions and Visitors Office in Rocky Point, clarified that the incident did not occur in the city but in the town of El Sahuaro, in the jurisdiction of Caborca city.

“In the Safe Corridor (Lukeville-Rocky Point), in the last six years there has been no incident,” said the executive.

The incident happened close to kilometer 75, passing the curve of the La Herradura Mine, an area that is under the jurisdiction of Caborca.

Thankful to God

After the terror they experienced, Natalie Davis expressed how thankful they are that they are alive.

Through a Facebook post, she recounted some details of the case, stating that after the assault they ran to a nearby field and after a few minutes they asked for help from some people who were traveling in a van belonging to a mining company.

The strangers took them to a Mexican Army checkpoint, where they were able to make contact with the United States Consulate and then were transferred to a hotel in Rocky Point.

There were no rooms available so they had to stay in the hotel lobby. A couple offered help and space in the hotel room that they had rented.

The next day they were returned to Mesa, Arizona, where the Davis family resides.


In Sonora state, police officers conducted operatives to provide security for travelers, but until the time of this publication, no further information had been released about a possible arrest of people involved in this case or the recovery of the stolen assets.

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