An Act of Solidarity and Dedication to Public Service

EMPALME, SONORA, MEXICO – In an act of solidarity and dedication to public service, elements of the Public Safety State Police (PESP) and agents from the State Secretary of Public Safety (SSP) joined forces to complete construction of the roof of a house for a senior citizen in poverty.

With efforts by the State Coordination of Crime Prevention of the SSP before the State Government, the donation of the material and supplies for the construction of the roof of the house located in the Ronaldo Camacho Expansion was achieved, to where the agents moved to carry out the delivery.

When they arrived at the site, located on Pesqueria end north street, lot 7, they realized that the adult over 71 years old lived alone and decided to help with the construction of the roof.

The state agents immediately organized themselves and placed each of the roof sheets so that Mr. Enrique Lopez Lopez was safe again in his home.

They also donated a pantry with various foods.

After completing this work, the officers resumed their daily activities and agreed to continue visiting the home during the patrols that they implement in the sector.

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