“Soon, the Mexico-US border will be reopened”, announced AMLO

The Mexico President announced that soon the Mexico-US travel restrictions will be eliminated.

Dennis DeConcinni Port in Nogales, Arizona.

MEXICO CITY.- Soon, the border crossings from Mexico to the United States will be reopened, announced the Mexico President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

The flows of Mexicans into the U.S. were restricted to the people considered as “non-essential” from 21 March 2020.

But, the Americans and U.S. legal residents never stopped crossing into Mexico, no matter that their motives had are not essential.


Next week I will talk again to the U.S. Vicepresident (Kamala Harris) about the immigration issues, we will address other topics, we are going forward into the aperture of the border, which will happen soon in a complete way”, says Lopez Obrador.

Next week I will talk again to the U.S. Vicepresident (Kamala Harris) about the immigration issues, we will address other topics, we are going forward into the aperture of the border, which will happen soon in a complete way”, says Lopez Obrador.

The Mexico President said that from the U.S. side there is a request to normalize the border crossings between both countries.

“Because in the U.S. side too, there is a request to normalize the relations and complete the interchange (commercial). We saw this, we don’t assume that will prolong for long, soon we will do an agreement”, declared to the press in the morning daily conference at Palacio Nacional.

López Obrador didn’t announce a date for a complete reopening of the border crossings.

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