$550,000 Destined to Covid-19 Assistance

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – Local authorities approved to allocate $550,000 mxn of the income produced by renting Nogales Industrial Park to address the effects and needs from the Covid-19 health contingency.

The members of the committee determined on Friday that the money will be used to provide food to the poor, to create credit funds for micro-entrepreneurs and for the acquisition of disinfectants and protective equipment for city workers.


Half of the funds are destined to support local businesses that have been affected in their sales income due to compliance with the order set by the state and federal government to close their stores to prevent more contagions.

The budget will be administered by the Economics Department and the credit amounts will be decided according to the business need after studying the financial impact of each one.

Another fund will be destined to the acquisition of approximately 13 thousand food rations that will be distributed to the poor and to the highly vulnerable, including the elderly and the disabled.

The rest will be used to buy sanitary equipment such as mouth covers, antibacterial gel, filters, disinfectants, soap and everything that the municipal workers need.

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