20 Years in Prison Sentence for Abuse of Minor

MAGDALENA DE KINO, SONORA, MX – A year ago, Angela who was 16 years old at the time, moved in a free union with her romantic partner Ary Eduardo N, alias “El Ary.”

In a very short time, the relationship turned toxic with mistreatment, violence, and sexual rape. Angela was even deprived of freedom, cites a report by the Attorney General of Justice in the State (FGJE).

After suffering for four days in June and fearing for her life, the minor decided to denounce her aggressor. Angela is now 17 when she decided to file a complaint before the FGJE.

On June 7 Angela filed a legal complaint explaining to the state authorities the attacks that she was subjected to by her partner.

She also detailed that Ary Eduardo N is engaged in illicit business, so he is always armed with a pistol and a rifle.

During her testimony, she indicated that, during the last week, her partner kept her deprived of freedom while inflicting physical and psychological violence.

During that time “El Ary” kept her locked up in a residence in the El Sasabe neighborhood, in the city of Magdalena. In addition, she was subjected to physical and sexual abuse by her now former partner.


The FGJE initiated the investigations and requested the arrest warrant. They also conducted two searches onsite in which they found evidence and instruments that the aggressor used to subdue and assault the victim. They located the aggressor, now currently sentenced, in one of the domiciles that were searched.

The initial hearing was held on June 10 of the current year, where he faced justice, and was officially linked to the process.

Given the evidence presented by the State Attorney, he accepted his responsibility and through an abbreviated procedure, he was sentenced, which forces him to remain in prison for 20 years.

Angela was attended immediately by FGJE personnel and was provided protection with police surveillance. She received medical attention, psychological support, and companionship during her recovery.

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